The BBC has shown a serious interest in the GCA’s #cardtokeep initiative with a view to playing a key role in its launch onto the consumer level. The campaign, instigated as part of the GCA’s centenary celebrations, highlights the emotional connections greeting cards make through individual stories of cards received and treasured.
Responding to an invitation from Amanda Fergusson, ceo of the GCA, Kathryn Morrison, a senior producer for BBC came to Central Hall Westminster, at the end of the GCA Centenary AGM and Conference (on October 17) to discuss the #cardtokeep initiative as well as learn more about the industry.

Kathryn, who works across projects and programmes on the 40 BBC local radio stations, regional television and online, met up with Amanda as well as Sarah Seltzer, director of PR Direct (a leading PR consultancy with whom the GCA is working) and Geoff Sanderson (of Celebration Nation), who curated the GCA’s 100th anniversary exhibition.

Having shown great interest in the exhibition and the card designs that feature (selected from the last 100 years), Kathryn said the industry’s broad geographical spread of publishers and wide demographic made for “great potential” for some “strong stories”. Up until now, the #cardtokeep initiative has focused on encouraging those in the trade to share their stories about cards they have kept that mean something special to them, but now the plan is to extend this to the general public, hopefully with the BBC’s backing to launch it wider.

“It was great that Kathryn was able to see our exhibition and get a feel for our industry,” said Amanda Fergusson. “What we now need are more stories and pictures from those in the trade of special cards people have received, kept and treasured,” added Amanda, encouraging cardies to look at the GCA_UK instagram feed to read the ones that have already been shared and be inspired to share their own. In a call to action, Amanda asks: “Please send your special cardtokeep stories to us on email or post on your Instagram account and tag us @GCA_uk including the hash-tags #cardtokeep and #gca100. The more stories we have from the trade, the more likelihood we have of the BBC wanting to help launch this to the wider public.”