A month to go to world’s best greetings show – time to bag your ticket!
Fabulous samples and interesting contacts need keeping safe at any trade show so, with just a month to go until PG Live, the design for this year’s limited edition tote bag for all visitors has been unveiled.
Featuring incredible artwork from sponsors Abacus Cards and Clare Maddicott, these keepsake cloth bags are perfect for toting all your show goodies around at London’s Business Design Centre on Tuesday and Wednesday, 6-7 June.

“They’re so stylish and practical you’ll be fighting off your friends when you use them for shopping afterwards!” joked show director Warren Lomax, from organiser Max Publishing.
The totes have two amazing images, one from Clare Maddicott featuring a stunning design by artist Chris Chun, and there’s also photographer Simon Roy’s picture from his BBC Springwatch collection with Abacus.
Of the artwork that graces the Clare Maddicott side of the bag, the publisher’s studio manager Liz Ellis told PG Buzz: “Chris creates originals and limited-edition prints that are snapped up by collectors who have coined his style Chunoiserie and affectionately refer to themselves as Chunistas,”
The artist and textile designer is known for his vibrant, colourful paintings that draw inspiration from his Chinese and Australian heritage. He uses a variety of different painting techniques combining colour and pattern to create his distinctive style of artisanal beauty, and intricate details.
Bringing the Abacus side of the tote into focus is Wetherby-based award-winning wildlife photographer Simon, who specialises in garden wildlife and the relationship between people and nature.

He explained: “My aim is to make original, inspiring, and thought-provoking images that raise awareness of the creatures we live beside. Understanding a subject and investing time in it, are fundamental to working successfully as a wildlife photographer.
“The more you put in, inevitably the more you get out, and this is not just time behind the camera but the research and planning that is done beforehand. Most of my images are carefully considered, and this is often the longest part of the process, saving time in the field and reducing disturbance to wary creatures.”
This year is the 15th outing of PG Live, and it’s easy to bag your free ticket to attend just by clicking here to register, then you’ll be set to join the wonderful two-day global gathering of the greeting card community.
Everybody who’s anybody will be at the event billed as “the greatest greeting card show in the world”, from the biggest names of Hallmark on stand 211, UK Greetings (400), and Woodmansterne (301), right through favourites such as The Art File (200), Bug Art (518), Museums & Galleries (218/219), Rosie Made A Thing (500), Abacus Cards (300), Carte Blanche (222), Caroline Gardner (404), Dandelion Stationery (517), Cinnamon Aitch (231), Wendy Jones-Blackett (235), Danilo (312), Emotional Rescue (412), Ling Design (228), Ohh Deer (316), Pigment (313), and Belly Button Designs (317), all the way to the complete newbies in The Imaging Centre-sponsored Springboard Intro.

The full list of PG Live exhibitors can be found here – and it’s worth keeping an eye on the online list as last-minute companies are squeezed into the floor plan – but to help everyone see who will be there and start to plan their visit, the finishing touches are just being put to the fantastic PG Live Preview which will be sent out very shortly.
Remember, you can also check out the iconic wearable art that is the meeters and greeters’ dresses made completely of cards by theatrical costumier Sharon Harvey, with this year’s themes of Summer Brights. Green Seen & Bleu-n Away, Animal Magic, and Diversity & Inclusion.
And there’s always more with PG Live so don’t forget the delicious free lunch for everyone on both days, plus complimentary tea and coffee available from the roving trollies, along with the fabulous first-night party at the end of the opening day on Tuesday where everyone is very welcome to pop in to enjoy the drinks and great company.