Hyve Group’s Nicola Meadows explains changes to Autumn Fair’s new onsite meetings offer
Buyers and retailers need to register for Autumn Fair by 9 August to be able to take advantage of the new Connect journey being offered by show organiser Hyve Group – which now includes an expansion of the 15-minute meetings to take place within a half-hour window.
However, registrations will still be accepted right up to and during the show, which runs over Sunday to Wednesday, 3-6 September, at Birmingham’s NEC, but Hyve’s divisional managing director Nicola Meadows is urging retailers to sign up by the Connect deadline.

There’s also a deadline of a week today, Thursday, 3 August, for stand bookings if exhibitors wish to take part in the scheme.
Nicola sat down with PG Buzz for an interview to explain the significant changes to the Connect journey since the original discussion in March.
“What we are keen to reiterate is a reminder of why we’ve launched Connect,” Nicola said. “Connect has been created to address the challenges and problems that both buyers and exhibitors have expressed about large exhibitions for years.
“Buyers, especially new buyers, find shows big, overwhelming and feedback is that it can be challenging to get the most from the show and buy successfully. Exhibitors want to know who is attending, how to make sure they meet the buyers they want to meet at the show, rather than leave it to chance. Now we can create more certainty for them, Connect meets all these needs and more.
“Thousands of buyers have already signed up including leading retailers such as Harvey Nichols, John Lewis, Marks & Spencer, Harrods, Fortnum & Mason, Blue Diamond, Hillier Garden Centres, Card Factory, Coney’s, Robert Dyas, Walt Disney Co, Holland & Barrett, Wilkies, Artistic Gift Boutique, Avon Cosmetics, Sterling Home, and Moonpig.

“We are also delighted to be welcoming an inspirational line-up of exhibitors who are excited by and keen to discover how Connect will work for them including The Art File, Paper Salad, Cardology, The Seed Card Company, Five Dollar Shake, Kikkerland, Sass & Belle, Felt So Good, The Yorkshire Candle Company, Grupo Erik, Lesser & Pavey, Candlelight, Hill Interiors, Walton & Co, CIMC Home, Keel Toys, TY UK, Cheatwell Games, Henbrandt, Inis Fragrances Of Ireland, Gallery Direct, Deluxe HomeArt, Malini, Scream Pretty, Henderson, Jess & Lou, Miss Sparrow, Lukx and many more.
“In its simplest form it is a connections programme created to facilitate 15-minute introductory meetings between exhibitors and buyers who potentially don’t already know each other.
“So, if you’ve got a client that you want to meet and you know is going to come on your stand and be talking about your latest product range for an hour and a half then you don’t need to use Connect for that. What we want to do is help exhibitors find the new buyers they want to meet to grow their business.
“We want to use Connect to help tell and create the stories. But, at the moment, we’re still at the process stage. We’re trying to explain the entire Connect journey and its benefits through all our communication channels but, realistically until a buyer actually registers and starts to engage with it, it is hard to truly understand how transformational it is.
“We have invested in a dedicated team who can walk buyers through the process, we’re hosting webinars that people can join, we can do one-to-one calls, liaise via email, etc, and we already know that when buyers do engage that they get it and want to use it. The Connect message is landing and buyers do want it.
“The category manager of Souvenirs & Toys For World Duty Free (DUFRY) said: ‘Last year, I attended your event and found it beneficial, and I have to say that it is easy to become overwhelmed with all the products and miss something interesting. I oversee the gift sector at 27 airports and, as a busy person, I only have one day to go around the fair. I believe the Connect app can help me save and organise my time, and the search filter will surely help me discover new goods that I would have missed otherwise.’
“I think this says it all really – save time, help organise, and discover new products!”

One of the things that exhibitors have been very cautious and mindful of is the 15-minute limit? What if they’re busy? What if someone doesn’t show up?
“We’ve taken that feedback from exhibitors on board and that’s been really valuable. All Connect meetings are still 15 minutes, but they now sit within a 30-minute window. This will allow people to extend their meeting if they have the time or be relaxed about taking time to attend future meetings.
“We also have a one-hour gap from 1-2pm each day to ensure everyone can take a lunch break if they wish to. In addition, we have evolved the programme to ensure we create the most amount of connections.
“We understand that, for some reason, buyers might not be able to attend a meeting so, because there was a mutual interest to meet, we will follow up post-show with an email to help facilitate an introduction.
“In addition, for everyone who has a mutual match where we can’t find a mutual meeting, we will also make an introduction. We know you want to meet, so we will notify the buyer that you wanted to meet and encourage them pre-show to make sure they visit your stand, and we will let exhibitors know that a buyer wanted to meet them, so you won’t be surprised when they come to your stand and introduce themselves, but you will know they are a hot prospect.
“We initially thought Connect would create about 6,000 meetings on site, but our benchmark now is 10,000 connections at Autumn Fair.”
Is the 9 August deadline only for retailers and buyers wishing to be enrolled on the Connect scheme, are visitors are still able to still rock up at the last minute and register on site?
“The deadline is a Connect deadline. To get the maximum return and benefits from attending Autumn Fair, we strongly recommend using Connect and, to make it as effective as possible, we need to allow buyers time to create their profiles, identify who they want to meet at the show, and properly engage in the connections programme.
“Visitors can still register to attend right up until they arrive at the show, but they won’t have access to all the benefits that Connect offers. The sooner buyers register for the show, the more they’ll get out of it.
“If you’re not ready to register, if you want to come to the show on the day and just turn up, you absolutely can do that, but you won’t be part of the Connect programme or get the most we have to offer at the show. You won’t be able to access the full exhibitor profiles, you won’t be able to search for exhibitors through the detailed taxonomy around their product types, key criteria such as sustainability credentials or whatever is important to your store and customer.
“The Spring and Autumn Fair websites will still have an exhibitor list with exhibitor information but it won’t offer the same level of details that Connect offers. Only buyers registered for Connect will be able to set up Connect-facilitated pre-show introductions, onsite meetings and post-show follow-ups. Connect-registered buyers also have access to our new Connect Buyer Lounges at the show offering refreshments throughout the day.
“I’d recommend visiting www.autumnfair.com/connect-guidelines, a really helpful, meaty in-depth guide to Connect for both buyers and exhibitors.
“I appreciate that there’s quite a few datelines to work with but our experience from other events across the Hyve portfolio is that these work and, once you’ve navigated the process once, it will become a simpler and more effective part of your buying calendar activity.”

Is the Autumn Fair website search facility for looking at exhibitors live yet?
“Our Autumn Fair exhibitor list is live at www.autumnfair.com/exhibitors. However, as above, buyers registered for Connect will be able to access detailed profiles of all exhibitors and request meetings with them from 17 August.
“Detailed profiles include product images, lookbooks and sustainability practices as well as filters that help you choose who you want to see at the show including licensed products, specific product categories, logistics and fulfilment, minimum order values, exclusive brands to Autumn Fair and so much more.”
What about exhibitors who take late stands, will they still be charged for the Connect scheme even though they can’t use it because they’ve not been registered by the deadline?
“Yes, brands can still book a late stand. But we’ve always recommended not to do this. The stand rate remains the same but late bookers wouldn’t benefit from all the promotional and marketing activity that runs for months before the show and used to form the marketing fee part of the rate. This now includes Connect.
“We’ve always incentivised exhibitors to book early to make the most of opportunities and marketing materials. The same ethos remains for Connect. We don’t want to encourage people to book late as that’s not fair for those that book earlier, and we want to people to utilise all the opportunities we offer them.”
And what about brand-new, particularly small, exhibitors who buyers don’t know so won’t be looking to make appointments with them, and the exhibitor doesn’t know what buyers to look for so won’t be trying to connect? Are they still being charged for the Connect scheme?
“This is another brilliant reason why Connect is so transformational. Never before has there been such an easy way to find newness and reach buyers you never thought possible. It creates a level playing field for exhibitors.
“A Connect registered buyer may be looking for a certain type of product, maybe a new range of greeting cards, stationery, organic cotton cushions or coloured glassware or featuring a particular sustainability accreditation, and the Connect platform will provide the buyer with every single exhibitor meeting those criteria. It gives new and/or small exhibitors enormous opportunity to reach buyers that might have missed them if left to chance on the show floor.”
There seems to have been an issue with retailers who can’t provide a social media URL being unable to register at all. Why is that and how does a small retailer who doesn’t have a website or business social media presence get registered?
“Yes, I know this has been a challenge and we have updated this. Any fields which ask for a URL are given the prompt to enter ‘www.autumnfair.com’ in the instance they don’t have a website.
“While we do understand that there are still some retailers without an e-commerce or social media presence, it is crucial for the success of Connect and all who use it that we only accept registrations from genuine retail businesses and checking a URL is the quickest way for the registration teams to verify that it is a real person doing a real job.”
On Facebook Autumn Fair said it was “to give attendees and exhibitors more information on who they are meeting or speaking with”. Does that mean both attendees and exhibitors can have access to registration information?
“Profiles created on Connect will be accessible to both buyers and exhibitors but no sensitive data will be available to view. From 10-16 August all exhibitors will be able to see which buyers have registered for Connect and can begin to request meetings.
“A function that I’m really excited about is how easy it will be for exhibitors to search for the type of buyer and retail business they are looking for and facilitating high quality connections that meet their business’s criteria.
“Yes, you can go in and search for all the John Lewis buyers, but you may have a gap in your distribution in Yorkshire or Scotland and you can search for all the relevant buyers there.
“We’re encouraging exhibitors to really think about what is important for their business, the types of buyers they struggle to meet with, and the types of retailers that will be a great fit for their products.”

We understand exhibitors still have concerns re the Ts&Cs within the stand contracts which include:
*They must select buyers from the Connect scheme – what if they don’t want to take part, or are completely new so the point of being at the show is to meet buyers for the first time?
“We’re not forcing anyone to take part if they don’t want to but, if they are a new business, then Connect gives them far greater opportunities to meet buyers for the first time and make invaluable connections pre-show and their time at the show more efficient and effective.
“As an exhibitor, this is a gateway to showcase product, which is why they come to the show. But, if they want it to be just about serendipity, a buyer coming across you as they walk the show floor that’s absolutely fine. They may miss out on important pre-show connections, buyers won’t be able to find them if they search Connect for particular products, and they won’t be part of that journey.
“Our recommendation would be to at least give it a go. The more exhibitors engage, the more we believe they will get from it.”
*The 15-minute meeting length cannot be exceeded – what if both parties have time and wish to continue the meeting, or are in the middle of an order!
“The point of Connect is introductions, introductory connections and introductory meetings. We do understand that meetings can run over so we have changed slightly how the timings will work. They remain 15-minute meetings, but they will now happen on the hour and every half an hour so, depending on both parties’ schedules, there is time to exceed that.
*The staff member named for the meeting cannot be changed without prior emailed consent from Hyve – what if they’re unexpectedly off-stand, going to the loo, or dealing with an issue, etc, or with an important customer/contact who has come on stand?
“Changes last minute are always challenging within events, and this is what we’re trying to control. So, of course, if you have a staff member that can’t turn up, then come and chat to us, let us know but what the platform doesn’t allow you to do is make those changes. So once that meeting has been made, that is who they’re expecting to meet.
“But if you’ve got challenges on site, then just let us know if somebody is unwell and can’t make the show for the entire day, and if you’ve got a rep that you think you can replace those meetings with we will endeavour to try to make that happen.
“The terminology behind this clause is to try to ensure that you do indeed meet the person you’ve agreed to meet.”
*They cannot contact buyers themselves – how long around the show is that for, these buyers may already be customers, or may have got in contact themselves to ask for samples/info etc.
“Our buyers are as important to us as our exhibitors and this clause is in place to avoid any abuse of the system. We offer a platform to access data, enable connections and book meetings for them. So, what we’re asking people to do is follow a process.
“Of course, if you’ve got a great relationship with your customer and you have a buying appointment arranged in the traditional way or they contact you, we’re not telling you not to have that conversation and arrange a time to meet on site – by all means you can do that. You can also do that through the Connect platform if you wish to as it might make it easier to schedule all meetings via one app.”