Really Good and Soul, two well-established and respected card and gift companies, are preparing to close down by the end of the summer.

David Hicks, owner of the two businesses told PG Buzz, “I am 59 this year and have other things I like doing – notably travelling and photography – and want to be able to do these while I still can. I feel I am too young to say I am retiring, but it was never my intention to be the industry’s eldest statesman!”
Having published well over 250 card ranges over the years – with Happy Hefalumps, Not Particulary Orange, Edward Monkton and Bright Side among the most notable – Really Good and Soul have made their mark on the industry’s card publishing history. David, a true maverick by nature has also made things happen industrywise. He was, for example, a leading light in the formation of the GCA some 22 years ago when the trade association was reborn.
“I’m lucky enough to have enjoyed the highs of inventing new things on a regular basis, and made some great friends along the way. I’ve loved working with everyone in the company, but it’s time to finish it all,” said David. “It’s a fabulous industry and a wrench to leave it, and I’ve had some great times, but there are other things to do in life and now is the time.”
Having gone public on the decision to close down the businesses, yesterday marked the start of a ‘massive sale’ on all stock. “We will be exhibiting at Spring Fair, and are even showing some new ranges. We have paid for a stand at Harrogate Home & Gift so will be there too. I expect it will take up until the end of the summer to wind everything up,” said David.

David, who started Really Good 33 years ago and Soul a decade later, said that he has been mulling over the decision to close down the businesses for a few months. This was partly due to the changing trade conditions, but also prompted by his ‘right hand woman’, Lisa Shoesmith, general manager of the companies suffering ill-health last year.
“Lisa has been fabulous and I could not have done this without her,” said David, who’s key involvement has been on the product front while Lisa has looked after the other aspects of the business.

Commenting, Lisa said: “I have had the most incredible journey with Really Good. When I joined back in 2002, I had no idea that along the way I would have so much involvement. David is ‘one of a kind’ and the opportunities, experiences, countries and people along the way have been fantastic. I will miss this business and the people I have worked with as it has been so much a part of me but know that the time is right to move on. Who knows what will be around the corner but I am looking forward to going back to my roots as an accountant.”
David does not discount remaining connected with the industry on a consultancy basis. Meanwhile Lisa is to continue as treasurer of the GCA at least until everything is finalised with Really Good and Soul.
Top: Really Good and Soul will cease to exist by the end of this summer.