Greeting card publisher Pigment is putting its own take on Thinking of You Week this year by producing special Happy Jackson postcards that it is giving away free of charge to retailers for them to pass on to their customers.

Steve Baker, sales and marketing director of Pigment said that the publisher was keen to amplify the “fun and friendship side of Thinking of You Week”, the GCA-instigated initiative which encourages people to send additional cards in the designated week (24-30 September). In pursuit of this, the Harrogate-based greeting card publisher has designed two special Happy Jackson postcards featuring the new super bright fluoro colour palette and happy, upbeat tone of the Happy Jackson that is reflected in Pigment’s refreshed greeting card range. (Pigment has recently launched over 70 all-new open, integrated and age Happy Jackson designs).

All retailers spending over £200 with Pigment will receive 50 free postcards of the two different Happy Jackson designs with Thinking of You Week branding on the reverse side of the card.
As Steve explains: “We are more than happy for retailers to devise their own in-store promotions, which could include giving shoppers a free postcard with every purchase made in their store, while stocks last, of course!”.
The Pigment initiative will run up until Thinking of You Week, or while stocks last, with the free postcards being sent out to the Pigment customers from the September 5.

Expanding on Pigment’s rationale on getting on board with Thinking of You Week this year, Steve said that social media has had a part to play in individuals communicating with each other, but cards and postcards are a potent tangible expression of the relationships. Elaborating, Steve said: “Social media has paved the way for us to communicate with each other more than ever. Expressing ‘friendship’ has become such an important part of our social lives, so people sharing their emotions with their own handwriting is really special. We feel privileged to facilitate this through the Happy Jackson postcards.”
- Full details, downloadable assets and inspirational ideas of getting involved with the GCA’s Thinking of You Week are available on