“To the wonderful NHS workers for their dedication to humanity… and with thanks to the greeting card designs (within this film and those sent every day) which bring a rainbow of smiles throughout our lives,” is the tribute from the A Life in Cards short film created by Gale Astley, deputy editor of Progressive Greetings especially for greeting card retailers and members of the wider card community.
While some talented people have recreated TikTok dances or sung beautifully for their communities during the Covid-19 lockdown, with time away from her PG desk, Gale decided to put her filmmaking skills to good use to create A Life in Cards, which is now hosted on social media channels.

“I made the film to support greeting card retailers in the hope they will share it with their customers to remind them about the importance of greeting cards throughout our lives,” says Gale. “There are countless special times that are celebrated or commiserated with a card, from falling in love, getting married, having a family to perhaps later in life, falling in love again with your new grandchild!”

Remaining at home during the pandemic, Gale’s film was created from her personal stash of greeting cards. “I would like to thank the publishers whose cards are featured in the film at this unusual time, and to celebrate all card publishers and designers who, as the A Life in Cards film reiterates, ‘bring a rainbow of smiles throughout our lives’.”

The A Life in Cards film was a labour of love for Gale. “I wanted to create an uplifting social media film that all greeting card retailers could share on their Facebook, YouTube and Instagram pages for their customers to see and remind them that they will soon be open” – June 15 for many – for all their greeting card needs.

And, as Gale’s auntie is a NHS nurse “currently working and helping to look after Covid-19 patients in London’s Homerton University Hospital, I wanted to devote this film to all the wonderful NHS workers for their dedication to humanity,” she adds.
The link to share on social media for greeting card retailers is https://youtu.be/9UYJtx41kCk, but anyone who wants view it should click below…
It hosted on the Gale Astley Film YouTube channel.
Sending out “a huge thanks to the publishers whose cards are featured in A Life in Cards film”, here they are in order of appearance: (Valentine) Mei Fields from Metropolis, Forever Hand-made Cards, (New Home) Happy Jackson from Pigment, (Wedding) Alice Palace, Quentin Blake from Woodmansterne, Caroline Gardner, (Anniversary) Rosanna Rossi, Paper Salad, (Baby Boy) Allihopa, Harold’s Planet from Clare Maddicott, (Christmas) Rosie Made a Thing, Megan Claire, Counting Stars, (Love) Hearts Designs, (Birthday Boy) Tandem Green, Naomi Wilkinson from Lagom, Laura Skilbeck, Caroline Gardner, (Friends) Cinnamon Aitch, Laughing Stock Studios, (Get Well) Woodmansterne (designed by Daniel Reaney), (Birthday Girl) Rachel Ellen Designs, Laura Skilbeck, Paper Salad, Pippi & Me, (Christmas) Cinnamon Aitch, Stop the Clock Design, Tedmund-Ted from Clintons, (Well Done) Mint Publishing, (21st Birthday) Claire Hocking from Woodmansterne, Paperchase, Noi Publishing, (With Sympathy) Hallmark, Eden by Lollie from Soul, Dandelion Stationery, (70th Birthday) Hearts Designs, (New Grandma) Rachel Ellen Designs.

Gale’s film-making prowess has included her Ha’ Penny Shuffle (A Ghost Tale) reaching the finals in this year’s Learning on Screen Awards as well as having made films for greeting card publishers Deckled Edge and Savio Design.

Top: One of the stills from Gale Astley’s A Life in Cards film.