Greeting card publisher Tache has signed an extensive licensing agreement with EastWest for gifts, homeware and stationery products as a result of both companies getting to know one another through PG Live 2019.
Contrary to the norm that new licensing deals take a while to come to fruition, the Tache agreement with EastWest has been done and dusted in little over two weeks.

“I admit I had not heard of Tache until I saw about them co-sponsoring the lunchroom and opening night party at PG Live,” Terry Taylor, director of EastWest told PG Buzz. “During the show, at which we were exhibiting too, I went to see the Tache stand and was very impressed with the breadth and original look of the ranges it offers and immediately saw the potential of taking its greeting card artwork and translating it onto gifts and stationery, providing EastWest with something different for our customers,” he added.

Very soon after the show, Terry met with Tache’s co-owners, Pennie Bryant and Frank Nicholls (pictured top) to discuss a possible licensing collaboration – and the deal was signed yesterday (June 22).
For Frank and Pennie, the licensing agreement with EastWest ‘fast tracks’ the plans they had for the business. “We had thought licensing would form part of our future development, but had not actively pursued it,” reveals Frank. “Just as in often happens in personal relationships, it is when you are not looking for someone that a perfect partner comes along!” said Pennie, adding “Frank and I are so excited to dip our toes into the licensing world! We’ve always wondered what our designs would look like on other products and have had lots of our customers requesting things like badges, notepads, wrap and gift bags etc, so it’s incredibly exciting to think that these products might exist in the near future.”

In addition to raising the brand’s profile through seeing the designs from its popular card brands, including Lashes, Krafty as well as its London range, be taken onto notebooks, keyrings, ceramics and glassware, this is with no financial risk to the business.
“Something else that appealed to us about the deal was Terry’s assurance that we will have a say on the design of the products and that they will also carry our branding,” said Pennie.

While Terry is hoping to showcase the tie-up at the Harrogate Home & Gift show next month, he expects to have actual samples of some products to launch at Autumn Fair with the full range available from December.
Tache will join fellow greeting card brands, including Bug Art, Rose Hill, SE Hagarman (US card company), with whom EastWest has licensing agreements, as well as other art brands, such as Bree Merryn, House of Turnowsky and The National Gallery.
Top: Tache’s co-owners Pennie Bryant and Frank Nicholls at the entrance to the PG Live lunchroom that was co-sponsored by Tache and Louise Tiler Design.