“We know that very few people enjoy filling out forms, but we also know that a lot of people enjoy PG Live, so we have made doubly sure that registering for the 2018 show is a synch,” said Jacqui Parr, marketing manager of PG Live 2018.
With thoughts turning to 2018, which will mark the 10th ever PG Live, retailers and overseas distributors can now register for the world leading greeting card trade exhibition, which will take place on Tuesday 5 June and Wednesday 6 June at London’s Business Design Centre.

This year buyers have the option to register for the show via its dedicated website, through social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+), by email or by picking up a phone (and dialling +44 (0) 1635 297070).
“We have simplified the online registration and it works really well, but for those who prefer to speak to a real life person, there is always someone the other end of the phone. The greeting card industry is a people business after all,” Jacqui summed up.

Jacqui is also excited by the addition of registering via social media channels. “It is really clever – buyers can invite colleagues too, and it creates a visitor hub so they can track who decides to come,” says Jacqui.
The 10th PG Live is already lining up to be a real humdinger, with the exhibitor list reading like a ‘whose who’ of leading brands – including UKG, Hallmark, Wendy Jones-Blackett, IC&G, Paperlink, Gemma, Abacus, Icon Arts, Nigel Quiney and Emotional Rescue – while the ever popular Springboard area for newbie publishers is burgeoning with ‘waiting to be discovered’ names.
To register, click online here