Dragons event leads to fundraising plan for brain tumour research
Indie retailer Sarah Laker has added an extra perk to the honour of taking part in the GCA Dragons Speed Dating event – raising money for a brilliant charity while helping customers stock their card drawers.

Over the past two weeks the owner of Stationery Supplies in Marple and Wilmslow has taken many of the samples supplied by publishers at the DSD event and made up mystery packs which have been sold in aid of The Brain Tumour Charity.
“The packs were so popular that I sold out and made some more up!” Sarah told PG Buzz, with customers giving incredibly positive feedback. “We sold 34 packs, raising a total of £290 which is enough to fund a day’s research – that’s a pretty amazing result.”

Sarah explained the cards were a mixture of birthday, blank, humorous and a few general occasions, and all are samples given by either prospecting publishers or from the GCA Dragons’ event, or ends of lines.
“I chose this charity due to several friends of our staff being affected by this devastating, and often incurable, type of cancer,” she added.