Woodmansterne has taken the decision not to exbibit at Spring Fair due to the uncertainty of ‘normality’ returning by the time of next February’s show that would make its presence beneficial enough to customers or the business to justify the investment.
Woodmansterne has been exhibiting at Spring Fair since 1989 and would be there in 2021 on its impressive stand at the front of the greeting card hall, were it not been for the ongoing effects of the coronavirus.
As Seth Woodmansterne, managing director of Woodmansterne told PG Buzz: “Spring Fair is our principal showcase each year, which provides structure and rhythm to our publishing and our publicity. We always enjoy meeting up with established friends and relish the opportunity to welcome new ones. Unfortunately, in this climate of uncertainty, we cannot see how things can possibly return to a level of normality that will allow us, or our customers, to benefit from our exhibiting.”

With Spring Fair organisers, Hyvve, understandably needing a commitment from Woodmansterne to secure their prime spot at next February’s show, Seth said that the Watford-based company had “taken the reluctant step to pull out of the 2021 show.”

Seth highlighted that the company would be channelling its “energies to improve the methods and frequency of our communication in many other ways.”
In contrast with its decision to pull back from Spring Fair next year, Woodmansterne is full steam ahead with the installation of the greeting card displays in all Waitrose & Partners stores (involving Woodmansterne and many other publishers’ designs), from August 17. Woodmansterne is taking over from Hallmark as the category manager for the card displays in Waitrose, in addition to managing the displays in John Lewis & Partners stores.

Top: Woodmansterne’s stand at this year’s Spring Fair.