A rousing high note of The Calies calendar awards was the presentation of The Calies’ Ambassador Award to Nigel Green, owner of Eight Days A Week, whose ‘start to finish’ calendar print management company is instrumental in the UK production of many leading brands, from Danilo to BrownTrout, Avonside to Pyramid.
“The only thing that comes close to their love of the calendar industry is their passion for music – in fact we are lucky that The Calies didn’t clash with any notable rock concerts or we might not have had him here,” jested Jakki Brown, joint md of Max Publishing building to the crescendo in the Ambassador Award.
Click on the video below to see the presentation and acceptance of the Ambassador Award.
Building up to reveal the identity of the recipient, Jakki described him as is “the calendar industry’s own rock n roll star and even named his company after one of The Beatles famous songs!”
She described Nigel as “Hugely but quietly influential, who knows everyone in the business and is liked and respected by one and all, as a true gentleman.”
In his acceptance speech, Nigel gave his heartfelt thanks to the many who have shown huge loyalty to him and his business over the last 16 years.
“None of this would have been possible,” Nigel said without their support and friendship, paying special tribute to Laurence Prince (founder of Danilo), Jack Straw (md of BrownTrout), Steve Bicknell (md of Maverick), Mordy Benaiah (director of Pyramid) as well as David Higgins and Rob Paul (directors of Avonside Publishers).
Although all the winners of The Calies were revealed by PG Buzz on the evening of the awards event (Tuesday 19 November), here is the photographic evidence….

Best Animal Kingdom Calendar – Deluxe Wildlife Edition Seed Calendar from Seedlings Cards & Gifts

Best Corporate (B2B) Animals or the Natural World Calendar – Untamed from Allan & Bertram

Best Transport Calendar – Haynes Classic from teNeues Calendars

Best Scenic Calendar – National Trust Seasons from Carousel Calendars

Best Corporate (B2B) Scenic Calendar – 360 Interactive from Rose Calendars

Best Art, Illustration or Design Calendar – Ben Rothery Illustrator Natural History from BrownTrout Publishers

Best Corporate (B2B) Contemporary Calendar – Iconic Structures from Rose Calendars

Best Charity Calendar – Marine Conservation Society Sea Change from Carousel Calendars

Best Corporate (B2B) Special Interest, Bespoke or Humorous Calendar – Maritime Gallery from Allan & Bertram

Best Music, Talent or Sports Calendar – Liverpool FC Collector’s Edition Box Set from Danilo Promotions

Best Entertainment or Humorous Calendar – Peaky Blinders from Danilo Promotions

Best Family Organiser or Planner – The Country Set Family Organiser from Wrendale Designs

Best Advent Calendar – The Met Toy Shop Pop-Up from Abrams

Best Diary: Generic – One Line A Day from Chronicle Books

Best Diary: Licensed – Blue Planet II from Danilo Promotions

Best Desk Calendar – Dog Lovers from English Graphics

Top: All The Calies winners with their trophies as well as Max Publishing’s Jakki Brown and Warren Lomax plus host Stuart Goldsmith.