There are some mighty fine card designers of the future out there, and card publisher Sarah Kelleher has discovered a few of them right under her nose in her hometown of Olney – and the eldest is only six years old!
At the beginning of lockdown, inspired by the wonderful rainbow paintings affixed to the windows of homes, Sarah decided to lift the spirits in her locality, in the Buckinghamshire market town of Olney, by hosting a children’s greeting card competition on the theme of rainbows.
The wealth of entries she received sent her own spirits soaring, not only due to the quality of the designs, but the wording that they featured.

“It was a fairly open brief, to include a rainbow somewhere in the design and a message that would work with it. I was so impressed and touched by the children’s creations,” Sarah told PG Buzz. “It was a tough decision picking an overall winner so in the end decided to publish four designs onto cards which I am now selling in aid of the NHS and Cancer Research charities,” said Sarah.
The overall winner of the competition was a lovely unicorn design, was by four-year old Flo Collins. The other three designs that have also been made into cards are ‘A butterfly means I love you’ design by six-year old Theo Cook; ‘Be happy like a donut’ by Vivi Caplin, also aged six and ‘A friend is a special thing’ by five-year old Rose Pickersgill.

Sarah is selling the cards for £2 each or four for £6 with the funds going to charity.
Top: The four entries that have been turned into cards by Sarah Kelleher to raise funds for charity.